World Wide Equine Dentistry & Horse Dentistry Instruments , Tools & Supplies
World Wide Equine partners with Equine Gnathological Training Institute by furnishing a large variety of horse dental instruments and museum items for study and practical application at their equine dental school and horse dental school. In addition they do periodic instrument maintenance and use, training sessions, throughout the year along with many equine dental museum tours.
Instrument maintenance sessions are a standard part of EGTI training sessions.
EGTI sponsors six levels of education, "100 through 600" in the equine gnathological field. One hundred level courses are for beginners and six hundred level courses are for established practitioners. It also sponsors three levels of Certification: Fundamental, Advanced and Masters. Head instructors and examiners are Dale Jeffrey and Karl Brough along with many other training associates.
For more information on EGTI training sessions, dates and intervals go to:
Equine Gnathological Training Institute, Inc.